SIPNoTE William A. Nagy May 5, 1998 Advanced Internet Services Prebuilt JAR file ----------------- Included in the directory with this README is a prebuilt JAR file which contains all of the necessary class files to run SIPNoTE. Simply set your CLASSPATH to point to this JAR file, and execute the programs as described below. Java Documentation ------------------ Java documentation for the package can be found under com/ibm/devtools/SIPNoTE/docs. Required Components ------------------- JDK1.1.5 Swing 1.0+ This code has been tested under Windows NT and Sun Solaris. Under this directory, you should now have a subdirectory tree com/ibm/devtools/SIPNoTE. Because SIPNoTE is part of a package, this tree is required for compilation and execution. The source files all live at the end of this subdirectory path. Building SIPNoTE ---------------- Make sure that your CLASSPATH includes the directory which contains this README, as well as '.'. Change into the com/ibm/devtools/SIPNoTE directory and type 'make'. If all went properly, you should now have a set of class files in the directory. To build the jar file (I've only tested this under NT) type 'make jar'. To build the documentation file (I've only tested this under NT) type 'make doc'. Running SIPNoTE --------------- In order to run SIPNoTE, you need to start up the server application, SNServer, as well as one or more client applications, SNClient. But first, you need to modify the configuration file, .sipnote, to contain the proper entries for your environment. The documentation in the .sipnote file should help you do this. The .sipnote file needs to be accessible by all of the applications, and currently must be in the directory that the application is started from. You may also want to modify the .snsubs file and the .snwatch file. You can start the SIPNoTE Server by typing: java The client and applications can be started with: java java java java java Specifying a -? as the first parameter will give help for each of the programs.