---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 17:38:43 -0800 From: noreply@sourceforge.net To: robla@eskimo.com Subject: SourceForge Project Approved Your project registration for SourceForge has been approved. Project Full Name: RTSP Specification Project Unix Name: rtspspec CVS Server: cvs.rtspspec.sourceforge.net Shell/Web Server: rtspspec.sourceforge.net Your DNS will take up to a day to become active on our site. While waiting for your DNS to resolve, you may try shelling into shell.sourceforge.net and pointing CVS to cvs.sourceforge.net. If after 6 hours your shell/CVS accounts still do not work, please open a support ticket so that we may take a look at the problem. Please note that all shell/CVS accounts are closed to telnet and only work with SSH1. Your web site is accessible through your shell account. Please read site documentation (see link below) about intended usage, available services, and directory layout of the account. Please take some time to read the site documentation about project administration (http://sourceforge.net/docs/site/). If you visit your own project page in SourceForge while logged in, you will find additional menu functions to your left labeled 'Project Admin'. We highly suggest that you now visit SourceForge and create a public description for your project. This can be done by visiting your project page while logged in, and selecting 'Project Admin' from the menus on the left (or by visiting https://sourceforge.net/project/admin/?group_id=23194 after login). Your project will also not appear in the Trove Software Map (primary list of projects hosted on SourceForge which offers great flexibility in browsing and search) until you categorize it in the project administration screens. So that people can find your project, you should do this now. Visit your project while logged in, and select 'Project Admin' from the menus on the left. Enjoy the system, and please tell others about SourceForge. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. -- the SourceForge crew