E6181 Advanced Internet Services, Summer 2001 Li Liao, CVN student, liliao@micro1.es.dupont.com Project: SSL/TLS for sipd 1. This project adds SSL/TLS secure socket communication to sipd server. 2. The deliverable of this project consisits: - README.ssl_tls : this file - todos : a list of task for this project from my mentor, Sankaran Narayanan - report.html : a report on this project - proxy.gif : included in report.html - redirect.gif : ditto - ssl_tls.gif : ditto - sipd_flow.gif : ditto - man_sipd.html : a manual page for sipd (program documentation) - man_siptc.html : a manual page for siptc (program documentation) - cinema.tar.gz : everything else The sipd related modules in cinema: libcine, libsip, and sipd. 3. To install, type the following commands (N.B. run under SunOS 5.8, and use /usr/local/gnu/bin/ld) %gunzip cinema.tar.gz %tar xvf cinema.tar This will create a dir called "cinema" and everything is under it %cd cinema/sipd-build3 4. To compile, %gmake sipd This may take a while. 5. To run sipd server, you need to have a mysql daemon running. %cd /proj/irt-gc4/mysql/SunOS %./bin/safe_mysqld If you get an error message complaining about not being able to create err log, you should try, %./bin/safe_mysqld -err-log=/path/to/where/you/can/write/a/file Once mysql daemon is running, you can run sipd server. %cd cinema/sipd-build3/sipd %./start-sipd -v -X -s . -n& You would see messages indicating server is listening on a port (5060 by default) 6. To run siptc testing client, (better open another window) %cd cinema/sipd-build3/sipd/test %./siptc -x invite1 You would see server's certificate along with other info about the server is printed on your screen. At the server's window, you would see sip session information contained in "invite1" is received by the server. 7. All newly created files and revised files have a copy in cinema/liao.