1. Facebook App ("Dyswis Facebook app" Folder) Facebook App is made of Google Web Tool kit and runs on google web engine. Java is used to make this app. Compile and Deploy: Folder "Dyswis Facebook app" contains the project files for the Facebook app. The folder is eclipse project folder so you can import the folder to eclipse. "Google Plugin for Eclipse" is needed to deploy the eclipse project app to google app engine. "Google Plugin for Eclipse" can be downloaded at http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/getting_started.html or you can just use "Google App Engine SDK for Java" http://code.google.com/appengine/downloads.html#Google_App_Engine_SDK_for_Java for deploying without eclipse. Important Source File Explanation: Dyswis Facebook app/src/cc/client/App.java : Main class that analyze the user's activities and return trustable friends list Dyswis Facebook app/src/cc/client/FBHash.java : Class that hashes the Facebook id 2. Crawler Module ("Crawler Module" Folder) Crawler Module contains the browser and the crawler. Compile and Deploy : This is also a eclipse project. This folder can be imported to eclipse. After importing the folder, you should export and make a runnable JAR file. The name should be "app.jar" and "BrowserSWT.java" should configured as launch place. The file "app.jar" should be placed in the DYSWIS folder where DYSWIS is executed. Important Source File Explanation: Crawler Module/src/AppCrawler.java : After app runs properly, the crawler reads the hash values. Crawler Module/src/BrowserSWT.java : Opens a browser and waits for user's log in and permission. 3. DYSWIS Part ("dyswis" Folder) This part gets hashes from crawler module and pass it to DYSWIS system. This source file should be added to DYSWIS repository. Important Source File Explanation: dyswis/src/edu/columbia/cs/dyswis/core/communicate/social/SocialNetwork.java : The class that gets hash values from crawler and pass it the DYSWIS system.