Hyung Chan Kim

I am now with the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan.

Affiliated with Network Security Lab., Dept. of Computer Science
Columbia University, USA. (Oct. 2007 – Sep. 2008).


CSB 523, Dept. of Computer Science, Columbia University
1214 Amsterdam Av. MC 0401 New York NY 10027
Office Phone: 212 939 6079
Email : hckim__AT__cs__DOT__columbia__DOT__edu

Research Interests

Trusted Operating Systems (Enforcement of security policy), Access Control Models, Program Security, Distributed Systems (Ubiquitous Computing, Sensor Network), Embedded Systems, Virtual Machines


Sep. 2003 - Aug. 2007: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea
Ph.D. in Information and Communications
Thesis title: Enhanced Security Enforcement in Trusted Operating Systems
Advisor: Prof. R. S. Ramakrishna
Sep. 2001 - Aug. 2003: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea
M.S. in Information and Communications
Thesis title: Role-Based Access Control in Multi-domain Security
Advisor: Prof. Dong Ik Lee
Mar. 1998 - Aug. 2001: Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
B.S. in Computer Science

Selected Publications

Hyung Chan Kim, R. S. Ramakrishna, Wook Shin, Kouichi Sakurai, "Enforcement of Integrated Security Policy in Trusted Operating Systems," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (IWSEC 2007), Vol. 4752, pp. 214-229, Oct. 2007.
Hyung Chan Kim, Wook Shin, R. S. Ramakrishna, Kouichi Sakurai, "A Policy Language for the Extended Reference Monitor in Trusted Operating Systems," Proc. of the Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, pp. 1160-1166, Apr. 2007.
Hyung Chan Kim, Wook Shin, R. S. Ramakrishna, Kouichi Sakurai, "Design and Implementation of an Extended Reference Monitor for Trusted Operating Systems," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISPEC2006), Vol. 3903, pp. 235-247, Apr. 2006.
Seog Chung Seo, Hyung Chan Kim, R. S. Ramakrishna, "A New Security Protocol Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems for Securing Wireless Sensor Networks," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SecUbiq 2006), Vol. 4097, pp. 291-301, 2006.
Hyung Chan Kim, R. S. Ramakrishna, Kouichi Sakurai, "A Collaborative Role-Based Access Control for Trusted Operating Systems in Distributed Environment," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, Vol.E88-A, No.1, pp. 270-279, Jan. 2005.


Network Security Lab, Dept. of CS, Columbia University
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
My hometown: Jeju City, Rep. of Korea