COMS W4111.001-Introduction to Databases
Fall 2023

Project Policies on Usage of AI Tools

To maintain the integrity of our learning process and ensure that the core objectives of the course are met by all students, we have established guidelines for using ChatGPT, Bard, and any other AI tools for our course projects. These guidelines are crafted to encourage independent problem-solving, hands-on engagement with the course material, and adherence to academic integrity.

Please read the guidelines carefully. Importantly, for the "usage allowed" cases below, please document extensively how you used any of these AI tools, including the exact "prompts" that you worked with, namely, the questions or statements you input to the AI tools. Please document this information clearly and comprehensively in the README file that you will include with the project submission. Thorough documentation is a key professional skill, and one that helps maintain transparency and proper attribution in the project development.

Greenlight: Usage Allowed

Redlight: Usage Not Allowed

Questions or Comments?

Our understanding of AI tools is evolving constantly, and it is important that you seek clarification proactively if any of these guidelines are unclear or if you have any doubts. Also, your insights and inquiries are invaluable. So if you have any questions or comments about any of the above policies, please either post them to the class discussion board or contact your project mentor or the professor. Overall, we encourage you to approach these AI tools with a mindset of integrity and curiosity, and to not hesitate in seeking clarifications. This should ensure that your educational journey is both effective and ethically sound.