KEY FOR BELOW xx|xx ------ GAME AGAINST EDGAR (WHITE SCORE / BLACK SCORE) (yy/yy) ----- 50 GAMES PLAYED AGAINST RANDOM PLAYERS (GAMES WON / TOTAL GAMES PLAYED) AFTER ------ THE FUNCTION TREE THAT PRODUCED THE LEFT-HAND RESULTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFYING THE LEAVES OF THE GENERATED TREE THAT BEAT EDGAR 27|37 (11/50) - / white_near_corners + back_near_corners black white_corners 32|32 (14/50) - / white_edges + white_edges 10 black_edges 32|32 (06/50) - / white_edges + white_edges white_edges black_edges 23|41 (41/50) - / 10 + 10 black_near_corners white_edges 23|41 (28/50) - / white + white_edges black_near_corners black_edges 31|33 (39/50) - / white_edges + black_edges 10 white_edges MODIFYING THE OPERATORS OF THE TREE 29|34 (37/50) + * black_near_corners - white_near_corners white_edges black_edges 32|32 (29/50) * / black_near_corners - white_near_corners white_edges black_edges 27|37 (18/50) - - black_near_corners + white_near_corners white_edges black_edges --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** BOTH OF THESE WERE DONE WITH 50 RANDOM ITERATION CHANGES. THESE WERE THE BEST TREES THAT WERE OUTPUTTED, FOR EACH TYPE OF CHANGE.