DONT READ THIS PAGE UNLESS you are willing to accept that I haven't written it yet. Computes can do ANYTHING (non-physical, as long as you can tell it exactly how to do it). Quotes that explain how profound computer science is. A computer is a general-purpose device that can do ANYTHING! (um, as long as it is non-physical and someone can map out for the computer exactly how to do it). First, a few definitions: Algorithm - a well-ordered collection of unambiguous and effectively computable operations that, when executed, produces a result and halts in a finite amount of time. - G. Michael Schneider and Judith L. Gersting. computing agent - the thing that actually does the algorithm, that is, follows the instructions, such as a person, animal, slave, computer, ghost (if you believe in ghosts), or robot. automatic - computing agent is not the designer; hopefully not done by a person; if physical, hopefully by a robot effectively computable - doable by the computing agent relative term - G. Michael Schneider and Judith L. Gersting. primitive operation - relative term building block fun - a technical word in the field of computer science, and computer science education in particular --- concept is accessible, and is deep and powerful -ed computer science - study of algs... Many people believe that computer science is poorly named -- it is not computers and is not science. make your own name for the field of computer science two columns Rather it is the formal study or mathematics of process event things that change over time, are dynamic computer science concepts computer skills - some concepts required Cool automated applications: image classification buy/sell stock market trading control the space shuttle design a bridge -- change bridge a little -- chaos says it'll fall apart maybe -- auto-test it design architecture with auto-CAD (don't take for granted) design roller coaster Control computer can be intimidatingly technical because it is very ambitious it is only 1999 these ideas and concepts are, relatively speaking, brand new to most society members programming still requires a large amount of technical overhead eg, you must adhere to the syntax very carefully; cryptic error msgs ------ Civilization advances by extending the number of operations which we can perform without thinking about them [take "operation" as any type of human action, or as the concept of "primitive, effectively computable operation", as in the definition of algorithm, above -ed]. -Alfred North Whitehead "computer skills" : "computer science" :: "drivers ed" : "principles of a spontaneous combustion engine" - Sal Stolfo is a meta-science (my email to kender and sal) Computer science is the first engineering discipline in which the objects created are limited solely by the skill of the creator, and not by the strength of raw material. - source? - if you wrote this tell me and I'll credit you Computer science is fun because it is profound, and vice versa. -editor "Thinking about computing is one of the most exciting things the human mind can do." (from "The Little Schemer", by Friedman and Felleisen) in cs, the hassle of admin overhead sometimes surpasses the hassle of technical overhead. the former offender can understand complaints and objections, but doesn't listen; the latter always listens but doesn't understand - ed Concurrency and event handling are algorithmic. OOP is with regards to engineering issues, not scientific ones. IS cs science: see above re poorly named toaster science but better than a toaster algorithm studies but also empirical science using computer as a tool see my email - I replied to that random asker and cc-ed all my friends