EE E6772: Telecommunication Networks: Resilient Networks

Call number 82849

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Lecturer/Manager  Professor Dan Rubenstein
Office hours: Location: CEPSR 816
Weekly time: Wed 2pm-4pm
Also at other times by appointment 
Office phone: (212) 854-0050
Email address:
Day & Time Class  
Meets on Campus:
Wed 10:00am -12:30 pm 
Location: Math 407 is the official location, but after Sept. 6, class will move to the EE conference room in Mudd 1312
Credits for Course: 3.0
Class Type: Seminar Style
Teaching Assistant: None
Prerequisites:  A solid networking background: CSEE 4119 or ELEN E6761. Also, a good deal of mathematical/theoretical sophistication and network systems programming (e.g., sockets) is expected.
Description:  Over the past 10 years, networking technology has inundated the marketplace, with solutions in place for many of the traditional topics (QoS, congestion control). One of the areas that continues to challenge the networking research community and generate interesting researcch problem is the investigation toward increasing the resilience of network systems. For instance, the following are current topics of interest:
  • How to transmit data in networks that experience long outages (Delay Tolerant Networks)
  • How to protect networks against malicious Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
  • How to deal with systems whose users are rapidly joining and leaving (ad-hoc nets, P2P nets, etc.)
  • How to maximize the utilization of devices with limited battery life
  • How to preserve data in collapsing environments (disasters, stellar probe measurements, etc.)

Structure/Work/Grading: This course will be run seminar-style, and will have two phases:

  • Phase I: Paper Presentations: A list of papers, provided by Professor Rubenstein, will be presented in class by in-class students. Everyone should come prepared, having read the papers before class, and participate in classroom discussions.
  • Phase II: Tutorials/Projects: Each student will pick a sub-topic in resilient networks and prepare a 5-10 page report summarizing a batch of (5-10) papers on that sub-topic, and present their tutorial to the rest of the class. The class is expected to read the report prior to the presentation. In addition, the student will do a project on their sub-topic and, at a later date, present the results of their project to the class, as well as write a report on the project (10-15 pages) to be turned in at the end of the term.
Students are expected to meet with Professor Rubenstein prior to any presentations for a (brief) review of their presentation slides.

Your final grade will be a function of your contribution to the class, which is a mix of how well you lead discussion and how much you participate when others lead discussion.

There is no strict breakdown, but an estimate, based on prior gradings of this type of class is paper presentations 20%, tutorial report and presentation 20%, project report and presentation 30%, in-class discussion and participation 30%.

WARNING: This class is really geared toward PhD students who are pursuing research in networking. Hence, it is assumed that the student has the intellectual background and maturity to read technical papers and to embark on a research project.

Students with an insufficient background will likely feel quickly overwhelmed by the pace of the class, and probably won't get much out of it. Such students will be encouraged, perhaps even forced, to drop the class, or to work out some other arrangement with the instructor.

Course Schedule (under construction)