EE E6762 Summer Update

Welcome to
6762 for the summer. I just wanted to lay down some ground-rules for how the course will work over the summer and how it will be different from during the term. First, all information that you should need for the course will be available from the link or from links extending from there.

For instance, from that page, there is a link to the reading list with the summer schedule. From that page you can download the papers you will need to read and write reviews for as well the schedule as to when you need to read them. Here's a brief synopsis of how things will work this summer:

1) Your grade: your grade is entirely based on the reviews that you write for the papers to be read. To be consistent with the way CVN students were handled in the Spring, I will randomly select 1/4 of the reviews turned in for each "week" (where week refers to the weeks used during the Spring term), and will grade this 1/4 of the assignments in a rigorous manner (i.e., I will read through them and make detailed comments). The others will just receive a check-mark indicating whether or not they were turned in on time and whether or not all papers were reviewed. There is no midterm / final / other homework, and since the course is pre-taped, there is no class contribution component either.

2) Submitting Reviews: Reviews should be faxed to (212) 932-9421 c/o Dan Rubenstein and the fax should arrive prior to 5pm EST on the day you are supposed to watch the tape for that class. For instance, you should fax your reviews by 5pm on 6/12 for these papers (see the web site under week 5):

Late reviews will not be accepted. If you have difficulties accessing a fax machine, we can arrange something, but you need to contact me before e-mailing me your assignment. Otherwise I won't accept it.

3) Grading: your lowest week's score will be dropped. In other words, if you do not turn in reviews for one of the weeks, you will not be penalized (except that all of your other reviews for the other weeks will automatically count toward your grade).

4) Style of review: I will e-mail out a sample paper and the appropriate style for a review to students enrolled in the class shortly.

5) Contacting me: I tend to move around a lot during the summer and am quite sporadic about responding to e-mail, so if your e-mail is not urgent, it may take me up to a week to answer it. Calling my office phone and leaving voice mail won't get answered any faster.

6) Collaboration: Each student's e-mail address will be made available to students in the class, plus I am looking into establishing a bulletin board for the class. I believe it is important for students within a class to have as much interaction with fellow students as possible. If you disagree with this philosophy, then you should drop the class because I am sticking to it. I encourage collaboration in that you may discuss the readings both before and after the reviews need to be turned in. However, you should write your own review.

Any other comments or questions, please send me e-mail at

Hope you enjoy the class.
