____________________________________________________________________________ CSEE E6861y Handout #34i Prof. Steven Nowick April 26, 2016 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ FINAL CAD PROJECT -- FINAL DEMO INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======== Overview ======== Besides the checkpoint, you will have an additional 40 minute *REQUIRED* meeting with the TA on 5/3 (Tuesday) or 5/4 (Wednesday) in the CSB 468 room, to have the final demo session. Every group must hand in their final version of program by the demo. Both of the teammates must show up. A 5% penalty will apply if only one student in a group attends the demo. Any group that does not attend the demo will get a large penalty on their final CAD project grade. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= FINAL DEMO SIGNUP ================= The final demo signup is first-come-first-served based on a doodle poll. You should sign up for a slot as soon as possible, but no later than 4/30 (Saturday) at 12 noon. The webpage for signup is: http://doodle.com/poll/nuw73qeihpi458m9 DO NOT FORGET TO *SAVE* AFTER SELECTING A SLOT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========== DEMO FORMAT =========== In the final demo, you will still use your own computer to show everything you have completed. Therefore, you should pre-set up the environment on your own computer beforehand. You must use exactly the same program you submitted during the demo session. the TA will be using your submitted code for his final grading runs. The demo will involve the following: (1) Run several tests, including the given two correlator examples (handout #34c and #34d) and some new examples. (2) For each test, show the required output items, broken into separate output files, as specified in Handout #34e. (3) Answer detailed questions about your program, data structures, algorithms and any other re-timing principles related to your program. (4) Highlight any interesting features or optimizations implemented in your program. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================= REQUIRED TOOL INPUT INTERFACE ============================= Your tool must include an easy-to-use input interface, that allows the user (TA) to quickly specify the input file that will be used. The interface requirement is that the tool must allow the user to specify the input file as a command-line argument when invoking the tool (see Handout #34e, 'Input File Format' Section). As a further optional extension (but not required), you may prompt the user interactively to specify the inputs after invoking the program. Additional input interface features are allowed, as long as they are easy to use and enable a user to quickly test input files. However, you must as a minimum include the required command-line interface above. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------