COMS S1004

Research Project Proposal

Due 5:30pm Mon Jun 1

Project Proposal

You will research a topic of your choosing that relates to either: how computer science can be used to address real-world problems; or the social impact of computing.

You will then present your findings to the class in a very brief presentation later on in the course. The goal of this project is to investigate a specific area of computer science, to demonstrate your creativity in terms of how you can apply it to coming up with solutions to real problems, and to share your ideas with the class.

Some possible aspects of compter science that you can investigate include:
Mobile computing (handheld devices, embedded devices, etc.)
Ubiquitous computing (sensors, recording devices, etc.)
Social networking
Augmented/virtual reality
Machine learning

Some ideas for problem domains could be:
National security
Personal security/safety
Medicine & disease control
Social welfare and equality
Environmental issues (climate change, extinction, pollution, etc.)
Distribution of wealth/goods/information
Energy & natural resources

If you prefer, you can investigate issues regarding computing and society, such as:
Digital media and IPR (Napster)
Encryption algorithms and national security (PGP)
Hackers and network security
Online anonymity: good or bad?
Medical research and privacy

As your project proposal, briefly outline 1-2 topics you would be interested in researching. You only need to say 1-2 sentences about each topic.

Also, you may work in pairs or even teams of three or four if you would like. If you intend to do so, please list the names of the student(s) with whom you'll be working. If you want to work with another student but don't know anyone, mention that and you will be paired up. If you prefer to work alone, mention that, too.

Last, please indicate whether you (or your group) would prefer to do a five-minute in-class presentation, or write a 2-3 page report. Unfortunately we will not have time for every group to present. If you have no preference, mention that.

It is important that you identify your topic quickly so that you have more time to investigate it. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the teaching staff as soon as possible.

Submitting your proposal

Each group only needs to submit one project proposal. Just be sure everyone's name is on it. Please submit this separately from the rest of your homework.