Homework 2: Parse a mostly comma separated file This homework creates a program that can take a poorly formatted comma separated file and "repair" it. We assume that one column of the comma separated document has commas inside the data and that quotes were not used to escape them properly. This means that a normal spreadsheet program like Excel won't open it well. A good end test is to attempt to open your output file in a spreadsheet editor like Excel and see that it works. As input take 4 command line arguments arg0 will be a filename of a file with comma separated data arg1 will be an integer specifying a column in the data that may have commas in the data arg2 will be an integer specifying a column of doubles that should be averaged arg3 will be an integer specifying the proper number of columns arg4 will be an integer specifying the number of header rows at the top of the file, these rows can be assumed to be correct, should be excluded from the numeric calculations, and should be printed to the output file as is NOTE: columns are indexed starting at 1, you may assume that the file is less than 1000 lines long. Your program should then output a new file called FIXED_arg0 (where arg0 is the original filename) with the following: Every line of the input file, but with double quotes around any data that has commas in it. An additional final line comma separated that has the number of errors fixed in the input file in the column of data with commas and the average of the doubles in the column with doubles that should be averaged. Every other column should just be empty. NOTE: Feel free to write out any debug messages you want to console but ONLY the actual file written out will count for credit for proper output. NOTE: For full credit write and call at least one function (I recommend a function that gets the index of the comma just after the bad column and/or one that calculates the average given an array) NOTE: For full credit on comments/formatting use reasonable indentation to indicate control flow (highlight and right click source code in eclipse has an option to do this for you) Example arguments: file1.txt 2 3 3 1 NOTE: file1.txt would need to be in the same directory as the .class file. If file1.txt content is this: Name, Company, Sales (millions) Bob, CompanyA, 5.4 Alice, Alice, Chris, and company, 3.78 TesterA, Test, 2434 Your program should output a file called FIXED_file1.txt with this content (precision of the calculated mean should be whatever a java double prints out to by default): Name, Company, Sales (millions) Bob, CompanyA, 5.4 Alice, "Alice, Chris, and company", 3.78 TesterA, Test, 2434 ,1,814.3933333333 Helpful tips: Use the split and/or substring + indexOf string methods to help parse the lines Write functions and call them to break up the complexity and avoid reusing code (At least one function is needed for full credit) Test corner cases, especially the indexes in for loops and first and last column parsing Come to Office hours or email me sooner rather than right before it is due Create your own test files to verify your program works Test against the sample file in the shared files on CourseWorks