Homework 1: Basic input / output example Prompt the user each time about what to enter. Read four lines of input The first 3 will be integers and the last one a string Your program should output the following each on a separate line Print the three integer inputs on a line Print "zero" "even" or "odd" declaring whether the first integer is zero and if nonzero then even or odd (use the % (mod) operator in your calculation for full credit) Print the result of the sum of the first two integers divided by the third integer with precision aka (5 + 4)/10 = 0.9 not 0 Print the result of part 3 divided by the third integer 5 more times aka (((((0.9/10)/10)/10)/10)/10) = 0.000009 but (Use a loop for full credit!) Print the input string and whether or not it matches a secret password that you set Print a secret message if the password from part 5 matched or a taunt if it did not. Test Example with secret password: "notpassword": Input an integer: 5 Input an integer: 4 Input an integer: 10 Input a password string: password1 Your Program should print something like this: 5 4 10 odd 0.9 0.000009 password1 is not the password The secret stays hidden! Helpful tips: To convert the input line from a string to an int use the parseInt function (example below) int i = Integer.parseInt("42"); Remember to use comments to explain what your code does to receive full credit!