The contents of this page were copied from (on Thu Aug 21 10:34:13 EDT 1997)
****  General Conversion information  ****

standard cable (db9, db25, din8, rj45, db9-ibm, GEC RJ45 connector)
	Protective Gnd  PG  --- db9-1   db25-1  shield    --     ??       --
	Transmit Data	TD  -->	db9-2	db25-2	din8-3	rj45-6	ibm-2	yellow
	Recieve Data	RD  <--	db9-3	db25-3	din8-5	rj45-5	ibm-3	green
	Req. to Send	RTS -->	db9-4	db25-4	din8-6	rj45-8	ibm-7	white/g
	Clear to Send	CTS <--	db9-5	db25-5	din8-2	rj45-7	ibm-8	brown
	Data Set Ready	DSR <--	db9-6	db25-6	  ?	rj45-1	ibm-6	blue
	Signal Ground	SG  ---	db9-7	db25-7	din8-4,8rj45-4	ibm-5	red
	Carrier Detect	DCD <--	db9-8	db25-8	din8-7	rj45-2	ibm-1	orange
	Data Term Ready	DTR -->	db9-9	db25-20	din8-1	rj45-3	ibm-4	black
	Ring Indicator	RI  <--	  ?	db25-22	  ?	  --	ibm-9     --

null modem cable switch:
	 TD & RD

****  RJ-45 Information  ****

RJ45 to DB9/25 connectors (colors based on GEC):
Standard - including SGI:

		  Standard	 Null		IBM-noloop
		  --------	 ----		----------
	TD   2) *  Yellow	Green		Yellow
	RD   3) *  Green	Yellow
	RTS  4)	   White/Grey	Brown
	CTS  5)	   Brown	White/Grey
	DSR  6)	   Blue		Black
	SG   7) *  Red		Red
	DCD  8)	   Orange	Orange
	DTR 9/20)  Black	Blue

    * Basic RS-232 required connections

RJ45 cable & wire colors (colors are the same both for cable and in
	connectors - if cable blue is on right looking at plug with
	tab down).  I have seen two different color schemes in the
	8-line modular cable, mostly the same, execpt tan vs. white.

				1 - blue       DSR
	     cable end		2 - tan/white  DCD   (orange in connectors)
	|-----------------|	3 - black      DTR
	| 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |	4 - red        SG
	|-----|     |-----|	5 - green      RD
	      |-----|    	6 - yellow     TD
				7 - brown      CTS
				8 - grey       RTS

RJ45 NULL cable:
	To wire a NULL RJ45 cable, use standard colors on one side, and
	swapped colors on the other:

		Standard	   Null
		--------	   ----
	1)   DSR - Blue		DTR - Black
	2)   DCD - Tan/White	DCD - Tan/White
	3)   DTR - Black	DSR - Blue
	4)   SG  - Red		SG  - Red
	5)   RD  - Green	TD  - Yellow
	6)   TD  - Yellow	RD  - Green
	7)   CTS - Brown	RTS - Grey/Orange
	8)   RTS - Grey/Orange	CTS - Brown

RJ45 adaptor part numbers:
	 9 pin: male - 45-0650   female - 45-0655
	25 pin: male - 45-0620   female - 45-0625

****  Other RJ-45 Adapters  ****

Machines that use the Real Standard:
	Extron 200 Series Matrix Switcher (uses Simple/Null)
	Electorhome Marquee 8x00 projectors (uses Simple/Null)

Machines that use non-standard connections (see below):
	Ascension Flock of Birds
	Lightwaves (even the models for SGI)
	SGI - 8 pin minidin
	Mac - 8 pin minidin
	Logitech Tracker - 7 pin minidin
	SGI - 8 pin large din w/ power

Made-up RJ45 connections:
	SGI keyboard
	Stereo IR transmitters

PC (486) connector (eg. Wand PC cable)
	9 pin female

	2 - yellow  (RD)
	3 - green   (TD)
	4 - 6       (?)
	5 - red     (SG)
	6 - 4       (?)
	7 - 8       (?)
	8 - orange  (DTR)
PC (XT etc) connector (eg. CAT-PC cable)
	25 pin female

	this may be standard, need to check

Ascension DB-9 connector (from RJ45 colors)
	9 pin male

	2 - green   (TD)
	3 - yellow  (RD)
	5 - red     (SG)
	4 - grey    (RTS)	these two optional - needed for reset
	9 - black   (DTR)

Lightwave DB-9 connectors (from RJ45 colors)
	9 pin male/female
		The dumbest possible connections - make no sense whatsoever.
		Mostly the PC method, except with TD & RD reversed - and this
		is for the SGI version of their box.  And, since the lightwaves
		require that the data be moving in a specific direction (unlike
		copper) - this matters!

	NOTE: a Null-Simple-PC connector on both ends will probably work
		for most requirements on both the Serial and Aux ports.

	Serial Port:
		1 - N/A     (Stereo Sync - ttl)
		2 - green   (RD - duh, this s/b the TD line)
		3 - yellow  (TD - duh, this s/b the RD line)
		4 - black   (DTR - terminal needs this for some reason)
		5 - red     (SG - duh, wasn't this for the SGI box?)
		6 - blue    (DSR - optional?)
		7 - white/g (RTS - optional?)
		8 - brown   (CTS - optional?)
		9 - N/A     (provides +V on the reciever box for stereo)
		x - orange  (DCD - no connection)

		Use pins 1 & 5 to make coax stereo output (1 to inside, 5 to outside)

	Aux Port:
		2 - green   (RD - duh, this s/b the TD line)
		3 - yellow  (TD - duh, this s/b the RD line)
		5 - red     (SG - duh, wasn't this for the SGI box?)
	      *	7 - black   (DTR - terminal needs this for some reason)

		* - different from Lightwave Serial port (why?)

SGI & Mac 8 pin mini din (colors from cable)

	  pins		1 - red
	  -----		2 - orange
	 /6 7 8\	3 - yellow
	( 3 4 5 )	4 - green
	 \ 1 2 /	5 - blue
	  -----		6 - black
			7 - white
			8 - brown

	RJ45 to SGI din8  (colors based on din8 to din8 cable)
		1 - n/c
		2 - din8-7   (white)
		3 - din8-1   (red)
		4 - din8-4,8 (green & brown - wired together)
		5 - din8-5   (blue)
		6 - din8-3   (yellow)
		7 - din8-2   (orange)
		8 - din8-6   (black)

Macintosh connected to Modem:
	Full con| Simple con  (connection at other end)
Green(4)|  no	|   no
Brown(8)|  yes	|   no
Both	|  yes	|   yes

SGI Indigo 2 connected to Logitech:
	Full con| Simple con  (connection at other end)
Green(4)|    	|   
Brown(8)|     	|   
Both	|     	|   

SGI Indigo 2 connected to Modem:
	Full con| Simple con  (connection at other end)
	Full con| Simple|full/n	|simp/n	|  (connection at other end)
Green(4)|   no	|   no  |  yes  |       |
Brown(8)|   yes	|   yes |       |       |
Both	|   yes	|   yes

SGI Indigo 2 connected to another SGI (using kermit):
	Full con| Simple|full/n	|simp/n	|  (connection at other end)
Green(4)|   yes	|   yes	|  no	|  ?
Brown(8)|   no	|   no	|  yes	|  ?
Both	|   no	|   no	|  yes	|  ?

7 pin mini din for Logitech tracker (pp 64,65)

	 /5 6 7\
	( 3 - 4 )
	 \ 1 2 /

	din7 pins - RJ45 wires (color)
		1 - CTS   n/c
		2 - RD    (red)
		3 - TD    (black)
		4 - DTR   n/c
		5 - SG    (green)
		6 - DSR   n/c
		7 - RTS   n/c

SGI Powered serial connection connections:
	8 pin large din slots

                        1 - DTR
	    --v--	2 - CTS
	   /4 2 5\	3 - STEREO (Stereo field sync)
	  (1  8  3)	4 - RD
	   \6   7/	5 - TD
	    --^--	6 - SG
                        7 - GND
                        8 - 10V supply

	Connections for CAVE Ascension unit:

		Din-8	DB9	RJ45
		-----	---	----
		  1	 4	 8
		  4	 3	 5
		  5	 2	 6
		  6	 7	 4
		  8	 9	 3	(power)

****  CrystalEyes Connections (Non RS-232) ****

DB-9 for Stereo Transmitter unit

	1 - Stereo Sync (high=Right Eye, low=Left Eye)
	6 - Power (+12 volts)
	7 - Ground (both Stereo & Power)

3 pin mini-din for Stereo Glasses

	 /  3  \	1       +12V    +12 Volts DC    Output
	( 2   1 )	2       GND     Ground            -
	 \  #  /	3       Stereo  Stereo Sync     Output

****  Other Non RS-232 Connections  ****

Keyboard to 6-pin mini din (colors from cable)
 ** - requires verification

	  pins		1 - red
	  -----		2 - orange
	 /5   6\	3 - yellow
	( 3   4 )	4 - green
	 \ 1 2 /	5 - blue
	  -----		6 - black

	RJ45 to din6 (colors based on din8 to din8 cable)
		1 - n/c
		2 - din6-4 (+8Vdc)
		3 - din6-1 (KbTx)
		4 - din6-3 (Gnd)
		5 - din6-6 (-8Vdc or n/c)
		6 - din6-5 (KbRx)
		7 - din6-2 (MoTx)
		8 - n/c

6 pin mini din (from DB9-adaptor cable)

			1 - brown  (db9-1)
	  -----		2 - NC
	 /5   6\	3 - red    (db9-3,5)
	( 3 # 4 )	4 - orange (db9-4,7,9)
	 \ 1#2 /	5 - yellow (db9-6)
	  -----		6 - NC
			NC - black (db9-2,8)

	Because din6-2 is unconnected, this cable end is useless!

****  Direct Cable Information  ****

SGI to Mac cabling:
	Mac end (DB-25 PC connections)
		2 - black
		3 - white
		7 - red
		4,5,8 - connected together
		6,20  - connected together

	Mac end (Din-8 connections)
		1 - n/c
		2 - n/c
		3 - black
		4 - red
		5 - white
		6 - n/c
		7 - n/c
		8 - red (connected to 4)

	SGI end (DB-9 connections)
		2 - white  (TD)
		3 - black  (RD)
		7 - red    (Signal Gnd)

SGI to PC (cat) cabling:
	SGI end (DB-9 connections)
		2 - white  (TD)
		3 - black  (RD)
		7 - red    (SG)

	Cat PC end (DB-25 female!)
		1 - n/c
		2 - black
		3 - white
		4 - PC-5, PC-8
		5 - PC-4, PC-8
		6 - PC-20
		7 - red
		8 - PC-4, PC-5
		20 - PC-6

Gary's special Lightwave-CAVE cables

	Tracking Cable - using Serial Port on Lightwave

		SGI	LW-t	====	LW-r	FoB(null-PC)	LW-signals
		---	----		----	---		----------
	1)		Sync-pin	Sync-p			Stereo Sync(ttl)
	2)	TD(org)	RD(red)		RD(red)	RD(red)		RD (s/b TD)
	3)	RD(red)	TD(org)		TD(blk)	RD(blk)		TD (s/b RD)
	4)		DTR(ylw)	DTR(grn)DTR(grn)	DTR
	5)		SG(grn+		SG(org+	SG(org)		SG
			   Sync-shield)	  sync-s
	6)							DSR
	7)	SG(grn)						RTS
	8)							CTS
	9)	DTR(ylw)		+V(ylw)	+V(ylw)		NC / +V

	TD)	2	3		3	3
	RD)	3	2		2	2
	SG)	7	5		5	5
	DTR)	9	4		4	4
	Sync-p)		1		1
	Sync-s)		5		5
	+V)				9	9

	Wand Cable - using Aux Port on Lightwave (the way it ps/b)

		SGI	LW-t	====	LW-r	Wand-PC
		---	----		----	---
	2)	TD(brw)	RD(red)		RD(org)	TD(ylw)
	3)	RD(red)	TD(brw)		TD(ylw)	RD(org)
	4)					loop-6
	5)		SG(ylw)		SG(brw)	SG(brw)
	6)					loop-4
	7)	SG(ylw)				loop-8
	8)	CTS(blk)CTS(blk)	CTS(blk)CTS(blk),loop-7

	TD)	2	3		3	2
	RD)	3	2		2	3
	SG)	7	5		5	5
	CTS)	8	8		8	8+7
	loop)					4+6

	Note: we seem to have the SGI->LW Wand cable backwards, but it
		still works.
****  Things to try  ****

	try I-wall wand via lightwave RJ45 cables

	try matrix on LW-RJ45 on top aux ports