Binghui Peng (彭炳辉)

I am a fifth-year PhD student in the computer science department of Columbia University, advised by Xi Chen and Christos Papadimitriou. Prior to that, I received my bachelor's degree from Yao Class at Tsinghua University.

I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science and machine learning. My current focus is understanding learning and intelligence through the lens of computation.

Email: bp2601 [dot] columbia [dot] edu | Google scholar | dblp

I am on the job market in the academic year of 2023 - 2024!


The role of memory in learning

How much memory (or space) is required for a computer to successfully carry out a learning task? My research provides answers to fundamental learning problems

Theoretical foundations of continual learning

How can machines learn over evolving data and achieve continual (lifelong) learning? My research provides theoretical insights this fundamental question

Learning and games

How can learning algorithms coordinate with other agents (people, machines) and reach an equilibrium? My research resolves decades of years open problems in this field

A complete list of publication

Selected talks

Academia and industry experience

Teaching, mentoring and service