Lecture notes for COMS 6998 - Social Network Economics
Fall 2013, Columbia University
by A. Chaintreau

Part B.2 - The Theory of Social Goods


Most goods analyzed in traditional economic setting are exclusive and private. For any given apple, only one person can eat it entirely, and hence the utility I obtain from eating that apple affects your consumption in no particular way. But some goods are not exclusive, such as the provision of a park in your neighborhood, investment to reduce pollution in an area, or gifts made to charity that improves the human environment in which you live.

A (global) public good traditionally denotes a good which can be purchased or obtained due to a private effort but typically benefit all members of a society. In other words, I gain from the public good I helps produce, but only indirectly through those produced overall by the whole group. Starting in the 1960s, economic analysis predicted that these goods are typically undersupplied by voluntary contributions under utility maximizing strategy, leading to recommendations on the necessity of tax, subsidies, and a central state to coordinate efforts. In other words, some positive level of public goods are produced because one benefits personally from them. However, the ability to free ride on the effort of others individually discourages what would collectively bring a better outcome to all. One would like ideally to analyze this gap, and see how it can be reduced with minimal effort of intervention.

This theory was recently revived following the following observation: most non exclusive goods are not globally available but they affects the outcome of various agents differently. A (local, or networked) social good is one in which the goods produced by others only affect me when these are neighbors in a given graph. In such a setting, not only are the various utilities of nodes to take into account, but also the topological properties which dictates who benefits from whose efforts.

List of challenges we would like to answer:

First, in a situation where a system evolves as that of a public game, we would like to address some challenges related to predict its behavior:

Second, some challenges on the modeling part:

Examples of social goods

Scenario 1: Procurement of a social good

Assume first that node i faces a classic procurement problem, in which the nodes can obtain a quantity x of a particular good for a fixed cost-per-unit. This decision can be represented as solving the following problem:

maxUi(x)=bi(x)cixsuch thatx0,
where b is a non-decreasing, concave and differentiable function.

What is the solution to this problem?

How is the procurement problem different for social goods?

Assume now that all nodes i in an undirected graph G faces a procurement problem, but that they get to enjoy not only the quantity of goods they purchase, but also the one their neighbors purchase. We have

maxUi(xi)=bi(xi+jN(i)xj)cixisuch thatxi0,
where N(i) denotes all the nodes ji that are connected to i. The solution to this problem is more complex since the choice of nodes depend on each other. The key is to observe that, from the selfish viewpoint of node i, if we assume that all other nodes’ behaviors are fixed, it reduces to one classic procurement problem. One can then show the best reponse strategy that i can apply is to set its procurement value xi to:
In other words, with the quick notation xi that denotes all the goods that i receive for free from a social network effect, node i will in general still enjoy the same amount of goods overall equal to x~i. However, now that a quantity xi comes for free, i will simply purchase the remaining amount herself. Note that this one exception: if the good received from neighbors already exceeds the value x~i, i has no incentive to purchase anymore, but will enjoy additional goods.

Scenario 2: Provision of private/public goods

Assume that node i faces a classic purchase problem, in which the nodes can obtain a quantity x,y,z, of various goods subjects to an overall budget constraint wi. Without loss of generality, we will assume that all goods have the same cost per unit (the unit can be otherwise normalized to achieve that). We focus on the case with two goods (again, no generality is lost here, since we wish to focus on the case of a single social good, we can consider all others to be spending y amount on private goods). This decision can be represented as solving the following problem:

maxUi(x,y)such thatx0,y0,x+ywi,
where Ui is a non-decreasing, concave function of both goods.

What is the solution to this problem?

How is the purchase different for social goods?

Assume now that all nodes i in an undirected graph G faces a purchase problem, but that the first good is social. The joint purchase problem accross all nodes becomes:

(PB1)maxUi(xi+jxj,yi)such thatxi0,yi0,xi+yiwi,
where N(i) denotes all the nodes ji that are connected to i.

As above, if we assume that all other nodes’ behaviors except for i are fixed, it reduces to one classic purchase problem with slightly different input. We would like to express the solution as a transform of the original problem, to separate the effects of all nodes on node i’s decision.

The key observation is that a change of variable reduces to an optimization problem that is very close to the above one. If we introduce si=xi+xi, the above problem formally becomes:

(PB1, different form)maxUi(si,yi)such thatsixi,yi0,si+yiwi+xi.
Except for the additional sixi constraint, this problem is identical to the one that the node will face would it be given to spend a total wealth wi=wi+xi.
(PB2, unconstrained)maxUi(si,yi)such thatsi0,yi0,si+yiwi+xi.
One could interpret this renormalized wealth as a “social income” which takes into account how i is bound to benefits from other in its own purchase. This last objective would be optimized by purchasing the bundle (γi(wi+xi),wi+xiγi(wi+xi)). From them on two situations can occur: (1) if γi(wi+xi)xi, the optimal for \textbf{PB2} is a feasible solution of the constraint problem \textbf{PB1}, hence it is also optimal for that one. Otherwise, we have (2) γi(wi+xi)<xi; this denotes a situation in which, if i would be given wi+xi in cash, it would spend less than an amount xi on the first good. One can derive from the concavity of Ui that, starting from (xi,0) with some extra cash wi it always pay off more to spend it on the second good. The optimal of the constrained problem \textbf{PB1} is then (xi,wi).

In summary, the best reponse strategy that i can apply to set her own level of purchase is

or equivalently

Scenario 3: Exchange economy with differential social good

Exchange economy

In a pure exchange economy with two goods x and y (as usual, we will focus on a single social good, and agglomerate all other goods in a single one), nodes are allowed to exchange goods with each other to improve their wellbeing.

All nodes initially are given a bundle (ai,bi) of each good, that they can exchange with each others as they wish. We say that (p,1) is an equilibrium price (without loss of generality we can fix the price for the second good to be 1) if we have:

  1. Assuming that node i first sells its whole bundle at market price and collect a wealth wi=pai+bi, it then acquires a new bundle (xi,yi) by solving the optimization problem
  2. Once all nodes do that, the market clears which means ixi=iai and iyi=ibi.

It follows from Arrow Debreu result that an equilibrium price always exists when two conditions are met: (moderate satiability), Ui is increasing, continuous and quasi concave, and (non exclusivity) i,ai>0 and bi>0.

As an example, the function U:(x,y)x1βyβ attains its maximum subject to px+y=w when x=1βpw, and y=βw. Summing among all i we can deduce that ixi=1βpiwi and iyi=βiwi, so that the only equilibrium price is p=1ββibiiai. As expected, p increases with the supply of alternative good y, and decreases as more good x are available.

Exchange economy with social differential good

A social differential good is one whose value is affected by your relative consumption w.r.t. your neighbors. In one simple linear case, we assume that the effective level of good x that you enjoy is how much you objectively own, xi, plus a differential term that linearly grows with the difference you observe jN(i)(xixj), so that the utility you effectively enjoy is

where δ is a constant. When δ<0 a richer neighbor is beneficial (positive externality) which reduces the demand of i, otherwise δ>0 the consumption or purchase of a neighbor increases your demand as it “costs” you note to enjoy the same level as her (negative externality).

For instance, assuming U:(x,y)x1βyβ, node i solves the following problem:

Replacing yi=wipxi and deriving the objective, one can show that the best response of i that solves this problem is to set
xiβδ1+δ|N(i)|xi+1βpwiwhere, as usual,xi=jN(i)xj.

Scenario 4: Positive/negative externalities

Various scenarios of social influence, negative/positive externalities and spillovers are initially analyzed assuming that the effect of others’ consumptions on a peer is linear.

Model of linear negative/positive externalities

This leads to develop this game as node i maximizing a quadratic form:

One assumes that σi,i<0 since it is necessary for this function to be strictly concave, and one can assume without loss of generality that σi,i=12. (Redefine xi=2|σi,i|xi otherwise, which leads to xi following the same form as above). We then have

One can immediately derive from the expression above that the best response of i once all other nodes actions are fixed is:


Model of substitution

In accordance with the scenario seen above, we typically assume that users get to enjoy social good purchased by their neighbors for free. In other words, purchase or effort incurred by your neighbors play the role of a substitute to your own purchase or effort.

This is what happens in the above optimization when σi,j is negative. As a general rule, the effect of substitution with someone’s else effort should not be stronger than the equivalent increase in your own effort, which implies that |σi,j|<1 or equivalently 1σi,j0.

If we assume as above that in a social good the demand always decreases in a neighbor consumption, and that the consumption of all neighbors j of i affect this node in the same way, we have that σi,j=δigi,j where δi is a constant and gi,j takes value 1 if and only if i and j are neighbors. The best response then resembles the form we have already encountered above:


More general models are possible in which different neighbors have different strength of influence over i (with coefficients 0δi,j1).

Model of complementarity

This model allows to study also social goods that are complementary (for which demand increases as your neighbors’ consumptions gets larger). In which case, the coefficients σi,j are positive.

Some additional condition is required to make sure that the system does not “blow up” as people encourage each other towards more consumption. Two examples of sufficient conditions are:

jσi,j<1for any i.
or, if we denote the spectral radius of a matrix M by ρ(M):
ρ(Σ)<1where Σi,j=σi,j for ij and Σi,j=0.

Model with positive & negative externalities

One can build a more general model in which different nodes may interact as strategic substitute (i.e., σi,j<0) or complement (i.e., σi,j>0) to each other. One introduces two bounds, σ=min{σi,j|ij}<0 and σ=max{σi,j|ij}, as well as μ=σσ. As seen above, we typically assume |σ|<1, as it captures that someone’s else effect is not a perfect substitute for your own effort, as well as μ>0 to avoid degenerate cases.

We can then write

where δi,j=σi,j+|σ|μ which shows in particular that 0δi,j1, and β=1|σ|.

so that the best response of node i becomes

Note in particular, if σi,j only takes two values (its maximum and minimum), the matrix defined by δi,j is the adjacency matrix of the graph connecting all pairs for which the coefficient is equal to the maximum.

The outcome of Social Good Games

General model

In all the models above, the best response of a node fits within the same form

where ϕi is a continuous function (typically a linear one). Note that ϕi(0) denotes the equilibrium of the problem faced by x in the absence of any social effect.

Existence of self-enforcing configuration

In almost all scenarios (Scenario 1, 2, and when externality is positive for 3 and 4), ϕi is a non-increasing function. In all other scenarios left, a condition always ensures that xi for any i remains within a bounded domain after a best response is applied. This directly implies that the function that from a particular state of the system applies the best response simultaneously to all coordinates is continuous from a bounded convex domain to a bounded convex domain. According to a celebrated fixed point theorem attributed to Brouwer this shows that one vector (xi)i exists such that


This proves the general existence of a Nash equilibrium that describes a position of purchase/effort for all nodes from which none will deviate. Immediate questions that comes to mind are ‘Is that unique?’ in which case, we really characterized the only long term configuration of the system. ‘Is it robust to perturbation?’

Unicity of self-enforcing configuration

While the existence of a self-enforcing configuration is rarely an issue due to the general result above, ensuring that there do not exist multiple stable points is much more difficult.

Counter-examples abound in the literature: consider for instance Scenario 1 in which all effort/purchase from neighbors are perfect substitute for your own. Even in a simple case where all value x~i=x~ are equal, any maximal independent set S in the graph G can be associated with a self-enforcing configuration in which all nodes in S purchases x~ amounts of good, and all other nodes purchases none. All nodes outside S necessarily have a neighbor in S and hence their best response is to remain passive. No node in S has another neighbor in S and hence receives no good from neighbors. There are hence at least as many equilibrium as independent sets in a graph.

A set of sufficient unicity conditions can however be constructed under the assumption that the effect of neighbors’ aggregate purchase on your own demand is small. How small? it depends on which exact game you look at and property of the graph. All proofs relies on the fact that the aggregate purchase of your neighbor xi is the image of the purchase vector x by the matrix G representing the adjacency of the graph (with a null diagonal). We should hence describe its property.

Properties of the matrix G

Assuming that G is symmetrix and real, we deduce that all eigenvalues of G are real, we can therefore define its smallest λmin and largest λmax. Since G is non-negative, we know that its dominant eigenvalue (the one with maximum absolute value) is positive. It’s easy to see that, unless G is empty, λmin1 as any vector containing a single 1 1 pair for coordinate corresponding to two connected nodes is an eigenvector for 1. In summary we have:



Bonacich centrality

Let us consider an adjacency matrix G associated with a graph G=(V,E) (where Gi,i=0), a real number δ and a weight vector π=(πi)iV.

We define the weighted Bonacich centrality vector, that we denote by b(G,δ,π), to have i coordinate:

One immediate question is whether this vector is even well defined for any weight π, as this series may diverge in general. We will treat that below but before that, we wish to interpret this definition.

Given that G is an adjacency matrix and that Gi,i=0, the coefficient Gki,j denotes the number of path of length exactly k which can be drawn between i and j. If we assume for simplicity that πi=1 for all i, then the value b(G,δ,π)i counts exactly the total weight of all paths in the graph that originate from i, where a path of length k appears in this sum with a factor δk. Intuitively a central node should have faster connection to many and hence should have a larger sum. This vector hence associates with each node a measure of its importance or influence, which is not a reflection of its degree alone, but more generally depends on its position in the global network.

Note that the parameter δ allows to tune this centrality to reflect the relative effect of distance, and the weight π allows to consider that paths originating from i that attain some particular nodes are more important than others. In most of the application π is chosen uniform.

When is the Bonacich centrality well defined?

It generally depends on the value of δ, which should be sufficiently small. One things that is certain is that if G admits an eigenvector v for a value λ, then b(G,δ,v) cannot be well defined unless δ|λ|<1. This implies that δ<1ρ(G) is a necessary condition, and it is sufficient as well.

When this condition is satisfied, we have

where the fact that G is invertible is a consequence of the same condition.

A first (simple) condition for unicity

In a nutshell, it is pervasive in the description and computation of equilibrium associated with social games, for the following reasons:

Assuming that xi is an equilibrium of a social good best response game:

and assuming that ϕi is an affine function (chosen equal for all i for simplicity), we have:
If we now consider the network GA that is restricted to only the active nodes A={iV|xi>0} in this equilibrium, we have:
which implies (I+δGA)xA=ϕ(0)e where xA is a vector of the strategy restricted to A, and e is the vector (1,,1), hence xA=b(GA,δ,ϕ(0)e).

This connection allows to make various observations that are used in the study of all the subcases we have introduced (and will be covered in the overview below).

For instance, in the case immediately above if δ is small enough, we can always avoid in this case that xi is null. Think for instance, of δ smaller than 1dmax(G) where dmax(G) denotes the maximum degree in G. Then in that case, the only equilibrium that can exist is found to be x=b(G,δ,e).

This condition has various limitations: it seems only to apply when ϕ is linear, is also assumes that δ is very small. Can we obtain a more general condition that in particular apply to much larger value of δ? This is what we will do in the next section.

A tight sufficient condition for unicity with social substitution

It turns out that for all scenarios above corresponding to social substitution effect (Scenarios 1, 2, and when externality is positive for 3 and 4), no other condition is required beyond a small magnitude of social substitution effect. A remarkably general result applies to any function ϕ that satisfies this condition. The most general result to date is:

Theorem [Allouch 12]: Assuming that the best response function ϕ defining the game

i,xi=max(ϕi(xi),0), where xi=jN(i)xj=(Gx)i for a symmetric matrix G
satisfies 1λmin<ϕi<0, where λmin is the smallest eigenvalue of G, then a unique equilibrium exists.

Note :


Condition for Unicity with social complements

Social goods playing the role of a complement (such as Scenario 3 and 4 with negative externalities) are such that the demand grows as the neighbors purchase more, a striking contrast to the abovementioned case.

Various unicity results exist in such cases, subject again to a bound on the social effect of externality. We present two results below. They are generally more constrained: (1) only the linear case have been studied, (2) they have not in general been found to be tight condition, and (3) they typically requires a stronger conditions on the associated matrix.

We first consider the case where we have no substitution effect at all:

Scenario 4 with complements

In such cases, i maximizes the utility

which corresponds to ϕi(xi)=αi+xi where we denote xi=jσi,jxj=(Σx)i.

For a matrix M we say its diagonal is strictly row dominating if: i,j|Mi,j|<Mi,i.

Theorem [Candogan et. al 2012] If all coefficient of σ are non-negative, and the matrix I+Σ has strictly row dominating diagonal (i.e.i,j|σi,j|<1), then there exists a unique equilibrium.

Some remarks

Scenario 4 with positive/negative externalities

In a slightly more general example of scenario 4 with positive and negative externalities, node i maximizes the general form:

where μ>0, δi,j=σi,j+|σ|μ which shows in particular that 0δi,j1, and we recall that we have assumed that 1<σ<0.

Theorem [Ballester et. al 2006] If the matrix μΔ has spectral radius smaller than β=1|σ|, i.e., μρ(Δ)<β=1|σ|, then there exists a unique equilibrium, in which everyone participates.


Now that we have seen quite generally under which cases each of the game above admits a unique equilibrium, let us overview quickly the type of results that have been exposed about them. We wish to go faster, so as to later focus on some remarkable properties.

Overview of results obtained in the examples above

Scenario 1: Exact Substitute & Specialization

Y. Bramoullé and R. Kranton, “Public goods in networks,” Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 135, no. 1, pp. 478–494, Jul. 2006.

Summary of contributions:

The model and the proof of these results are remarkably simple and clear, which is why we include them below for completeness:

Scenario 2: Purchase economy with social good

Given the generality of the problem formulation (with a utility function U that can depend arbitrarily on x and y) most of the results center on the qualitative property of redistribution. The key question is how the local effect of networks allow to revisit a celebrated result on the provision of global public good: the neutrality principle. See below.

N. Allouch, “On the Private Provision of Public Goods on Networks,” working paper, 2012.

N. Allouch, “The Cost of Segregation in Social Networks,” SSRN Journal, 2013.

are covered below

Scenario 3: Exchange economy

C. Ghiglino and S. Goyal, “Keeping up with the neighbors: social interaction in a market economy,” Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 90–119, 2010.

Summary of contributions:

Scenario 4: Linear externality & Bonacich centrality

General linear substitute/complements

C. Ballester, A. Calvó-Armengol, and Y. Zenou, “Who’s Who in Networks. Wanted: The Key Player,” Econometrica, vol. 74, no. 5, pp. 1403–1417, Sep. 2006.

Summary of contributions:

Case of linear partial substitute

Y. Bramoullé, R. Kranton, and M. D’Amours, “Strategic interaction and networks,” American Economic Review (forthcoming), 2013.

Summary of contributions:

Provisioning a social good

An underlying result in the theory of social goods is that the outcome of the game is not efficient from a welfare standpoint. Hence, for the same exact production function and resource available, a different operating point would produce globally more benefits to all. It has been a stated goal of public economist to design mechanisms that can help to narrow this gap.

We will first survey a redistribution principle, which basically answer the question: can we hope to improve (without necessarily aiming at optimality) the outcome of a social good system by redistribution the wealth or resource available. We then overview one recent work who characterizes Pareto efficiency.

Tax, Redistribution and the Neutrality Principle

The case of a Global Public Good

T. Bergstrom, L. Blume, and H. Varian, “On the private provision of public goods,” Journal of Public Economics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 25–49, Feb. 1986.

Summary of contributions:

At a high level, this paper proves that public goods such as parks, beautiful buildings and museums can only be supplied by large inequalities of income (visit Pittsburgh if you ever want to see a real world example) or taxation beyond one’s voluntary contribution (visit Paris or Versailles if you need another proof). Note that comparing these two methods from an efficiency, political or moral standpoint is beyond the scope of this class. One may argue that comparing the two cities above-mentioned allows many to reach a conclusion, but others could question the statistical significance of this test.

The general case of a social good

N. Allouch, “On the Private Provision of Public Goods on Networks,” working paper, 2012.

Summary of contributions:

Analysis of Redistribution and tax

We first prove an important result on the effect of redistribution:

Theorem [Allouch 12] Let us assume that all nodes contributes to the public good at equilibrium (i.e., the equilibrium is an interior point, with or without redistribution). Let x(t) the public good purchase of each node after redistribution t

x(t)x=(I+AG)1(IA)twhere A=Diag(a1,,an),
and the coefficients are chosen as follows: First, ai=1γ(xi) if ti+x(t)i=xi (this denotes the case where, from i’s standpoint, the redistribution and the adjustment of neighbors exactly cancels the tax/subsidy effect), and otherwise ai=1γi(βi), where βi is a real number between wi+xi and wi+ti+x(t)i (the case in which i is actually affected by redistribution of wealth).

Proof of neutrality principle after redistribution in the complete Case

N. Allouch, “The Cost of Segregation in Social Networks,” SSRN Journal, 2013.

In this paper that follows up the result on the neutrality for social goods, the author shows that an asymptotic neutrality principle holds whenever the society is segregated. In other words, when one considers the actual welfare benefits of redistribution, it is non null in general when the network is not regular but it might become negligible in large network depending on the topology.

Towards Pareto efficiency

Beyond the topic of this class, one might consider a less incremental approach to improving efficency of games with public or social good. One recent work made several advances in order to deal with that problem. In a nuthsell, it considers more general mechanism than wealth redistribution, and studies conditions characterizing how they relate to a weak notion of efficiency.

M. Elliott and B. Golub, “A network approach to public goods,” presented at the EC ‘13: Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM conference on Electronic commerce, 2013.

Summary of contributions:

Pricing a social good

Another domain of active research is to design profit maximizing pricing schemes for social goods.

Pricing with complement effect

O. Candogan, K. Bimpikis, and A. Ozdaglar, “Optimal pricing in networks with externalities,” Operations Research, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 883–905, 2012.

This work considers a monopoly facing a linear production cost for a divisible good exhibiting social linear complement effect (i.e., your neighbor purchase encourages you to purchase more) which can in the general case be directed.

F. Bloch and N. Quérou, “Pricing in Social Networks,” Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 80, no. C, pp. 243–261, Jul. 2013.

This paper considers the purchase of a non-divisible good whose intrinsic value θi is drawn uniformly in [0;1] with an additional complement effects from neighbors’ purchase.

Pricing with substitution effect

M. Feldman, D. Kempe, B. Lucier, and R. P. Leme, “Pricing public goods for private sale,” presented at the EC ‘13: Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM conference on Electronic commerce, 2013.

Considers a scenario where agents value differently the access to one undivisible good which is shared between neighbors. In other words, a neighbor owning the good is a perfect substitute to you owning it. Focusing on a posted price strategy with no price discrimination, this paper considers the problem of maximizing a seller’s profit without competition. The game played by the players in general have multiple equilibrium (as seen in Scenario 1 above dealing with exact substitute).

Further reading:

Games with incomplete information

A. Galeotti, S. Goyal, M. O. Jackson, F. Vega-Redondo, and L. Yariv, “Network games,” The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 218–244, 2010.

Summary of main contributions:

Endogenous network

What if people are part of a social good games where the network is built strategically, following the classical “cost per edge” assumptions found in the “network formation” literature.

A. Galeotti and S. Goyal, “The law of the few,” American Economic Review, vol. 100, no. 4, pp. 1468–1492, 2010.

This paper considers a situation where people can strategically choose between purchasing a social good or a connection that makes them able to benefit from someone else purchase. This network formation model predicts that the stable equilibrium of the system is one where a small subset of supernodes purchase all the social goods, and are more connected while the others free rides by purchasing only a few connections to these super users.

Empirical work

How do real people behave in a game that reproduces some dynamics of public good game.

M. Wunder, S. Suri, and D. J. Watts, “Empirical agent based models of cooperation in public goods games,” presented at the EC ‘13: Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM conference on Electronic commerce, 2013.

More recent work:

X. Chen and S.-H. Teng, “A Complexity View of Markets with Social Influence,” ITCS ‘11: Proceedings of the 2th conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science. 2011.

Shows that the complexity of finding a market equilibrium in an exchange economy with social effect on the utility of goods makes the problem quickly intractable.

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