Section 2. SIP Uniform Resource Locators: delete < tag-param = "tag=" UUID < UUID = 1*( HEX | "-" ) or replace with > tag-param = "tag=" token and delete same from Section 6.24 From: Section 6.24 From: from-param = tag-param | generic-param < tag-param = "tag" "=" token Section 6.43 To: to-param = tag-param | generic-param In Section 3 SIP Message Overview: add Call-Info header lines to general-header syntax: general-header = Accept ; Section 6.6 | Accept-Encoding ; Section 6.7 | Accept-Language ; Section 6.8 | Call-ID ; Section 6.12 > | Call-Info ; Section 6.13 | Contact ; Section 6.14 | CSeq ; Section 6.20 In Section 4.1 Request-Line: absoluteURI should be defined or reference [RFC2068] Section 3.2.1. In Section 4.3.1 SIP Version: add ABNF: > SIP-Version = "SIP/2.0" In Section 6.13 Call-Info: < Call-Info = "Call-Info" ":" # ( "<" URI ">" *( ";" info-param ) has imbalanced parentheses and should be changed to: > Call-Info = "Call-Info" ":" # ( "<" URI ">" *( ";" info-param ) ) In Section 6.14 Contact: qvalue should be defined here or RFC2068 Section 3.9 referenced. delta-seconds should be defined here or RFC2068 Section 3.3.2 referenced. In Section 6.16 Content-Encoding: < tokens. See [3.5] for a definition of the syntax for content-coding. should read > tokens. See [H3.5] for a definition of the syntax for content-coding. In Section 6.17 Content-Language: < See [H14.12] should be changed to > See [H14.13] In Section 6.21 Date: < See [H14.18] for a definition of rfc1123-date. Note that unlike should read > See [H14.19] for a definition of rfc1123-date. Note that unlike In Section 6.28 MIME-Version: < See [H19.4.1]. should read > See [H19.4.7]. In Section 6.30 Priority: < other-priority token is missing a definedas and should be changed to: > other-priority = token In Section 6.31 Proxy-Authenticate: should reference [H14.32] for ABNF syntax. In Section 6.32 Proxy-Authenticate: should reference [H14.33] for ABNF syntax. In Section 6.33 Proxy-Require: add following syntax definition: > Proxy-Require = "Proxy-Require" ":" 1#option-tag In Section 6.39 Server: < syntax for this field is defined in [H14.38]. should be > syntax for this field is defined in [H14.39]. In Section 6.46.6 [Via] Syntax: maddr is never defined. ttl is redefined from Section 2: SIP Uniform Resource Locators: delete < ttl = 1*3DIGIT ; 0 to 255 In Section 6.47 Warning: pseudonym should be defined here or RFC2068 Section 14.44 referenced. In Section 15.1.1 The WWW-Authenticate Response Header: < pgp-version = "version" "=" < <"> digit *( "." digit ) *letter <"> should read > pgp-version = "version" "=" > <"> digit *( "." digit ) *alpha <"> In Section 15.2 and 15.3: pgp-eparams is defined twice; suggest: < Response-Key = "Response-Key" ":" "pgp" pgp-eparams < pgp-eparams = 1# ( pgp-version | pgp-encoding | pgp-key) replaced with > Response-Key = "Response-Key" ":" "pgp" pgp-ekparams > pgp-ekparams = 1# ( pgp-version | pgp-encoding | pgp-key) In Section C.1 Basic Rules: < CTL = %x00-1f | 0x7f ; (octets 0 -- 31) and DEL (127) should read > CTL = %x00-1f | %x7f ; (octets 0 -- 31) and DEL (127)