- create a conference - terminate/remove a conference - invite users to the conference - refer users to the conference - remove users from the conference - define who is allowed to join the conference - define conference time information, this includes scheduled conferences (bounded conferences, i.e. mixing start/stop time) _and_ conference lifetime (time after that the conference will be removed resp. terminated) - define conditions when the conference media mixing starts/stops (e.g. key participant or first participant joins the conference) - define conditions when the conference is terminated/removed (e.g. last participant has left or has been removed from the conference or conference creator has left the conference) - set some conference parameters like max-participants, conference-uri - define privileges for certain users (who can modify/read which conference policy element, who can use SIP procedures to invite/refer/remove users to/from the conference resp. more general: who is allowed to invite/remove/refer/allow users (this would cover CPCP and SIP procedures); who is allowed to subscribe to the conference event package; who is allowed to subscribe to conference policy changes (XCAP change); who can terminate the conference besides the conference creator; etc.) - enumerate the media streams of the conference - set floor policy (floor control algorithm; maximum number of users that can have one floor at the same time; set floor moderator; moderator uri; etc) There should be some means to: - set general conference information (subject of the conference, display-name, etc.) - create/define floors, associate media streams to floors and transfer of BFCP parameters (goes to the "must section" if the SDP solution in draft-camarillo-mmusic-sdp-bfcp-00 is not finished in time) ------------------- 1. Voice activated video switch 2. Fix layout e.g. 2x2, 3x3 3. Automatic layout - the layout changes so all participants are viewed. Mixing/conference start policy an example is wait for moderator to join. Verb Create/Delete Item Conference Sidebar ?Floor? Set/Get Value ConfState MediaPolicy SecurityPolicy ?Floor Control Policy? Controls Add/Delete member of list Dial Out Refer Allowed Participants Allowed Floor Holders Allowed Floor Moderators Sidebar