Paragraphs must be separated by a blank line. \section{Section heading} \label{sec:some_name} \subsection{Subsection} \label{sec:uac} for example \subsubsection{Sub-subsection} \label{sec:register} References to labels, e.g.,: "Section~\ref{sec:uac} describes UACs, while Table~\ref{tab:methods} shows methods." Note the ~ (prevents splitting across lines) bulletted list: \begin{itemize} \item first item \item second item \end{itemize} description list \begin{description} \item[Label1:] some explanation \item[Label2:] more explanation \end{description} {\SHOULD}, {\MUST}, etc. {\INVITE}, {\REGISTER}, etc. \header{To}, \header{From}, anything that is a syntax element (parameters, etc.) is included in \header{} and writte as ... the \header{Foobar} header field ... \begin{table}[htbp] \begin{tabular}{lll} value1 & value2 & value3\\ line2 & line2 more & \\ \end{tabular} \caption{This is a table caption} \label{tab:somename} \end{table} Note on terminology: it's header fields, not headers. Note: timer values should be in $$, e.g., $T1$ and $T2$. All RFC references should have the following form: "The searching technique outlined in RFC 2052 \cite{rfc2052} ..." has the semi-current version of bis-04, as a source of examples. "a 2xx-class response" or "a 2xx response"