Data model +fetching kinds that have no resource-Ids +Retrieving the length/digest of stored data +meta-data? Data storage and retrieval +signature computation +storage times Document split +Core protocol +SIP +Chord/DHTs +Diagnostics RELOAD name +incorporate peer-to-peer in the name? such as peer-to-peer protocol for resource location and discovery (PRELOAD?) Fragmentation +where/how to incorporate it. Any solution better than existing mechanism? Response codes Mechanisms for inserting TURN server +dependent on the overlay algorithm Move design discussion(s) to appendix Routing modes (a favorite p2psip list discussion item!) +direct response? Retransmission/reliability +explicit guidelines than a mere reference to TFRC? Bootstrap +in addition to the enrollment server, a peer can also return the overlay configuration file. +how does the first node in the overlay behave when there are no bootstrap peers?