Element D: Permission to disclose only to specified individual or entity Element E: Permission to disclose only to someone presenting a specified key (for instance, a shared key or the private key corresponding to a particular public key), or a special type of credential (an e-token to be defined). Element F: Requirement that the granularity/precision of location information be reduced Element G: The ability to provide additional Privacy Rules for specific requestors or groups of requestors Element H: The ability to define a time until which a permission is valid Element I: The ability to define a geographical area for which the permission is valid ("if I am in area x then you can tell y my location") Element J: The ability to define a repeatable time window (such as weekdays during office hours) during which a permission is valid Element K: The ability to require that express consent of the Target/Rule Maker be obtained prior to disclosing location Element L: The ability to require that notice be provided to the Target if location is provided NENA Version 4.0 Q.763 geographic datum