Attending: ------------- John Loughney Gonzalo Camarillo Jon Peterson Brian Rosen Joerg Ott Jonathan Rosenberg Dean Willis Henning Schulzrinne Rohan Mahy Allison Mankin Question: Are we trying to change something or just register our dissatisfaction? It seems like we will be able to make some changes, and more ammunition would help. Many feel that there is a lack of understanding as to what the issues are and what the interoperability problems will be. Even though we as individuals may have been telling them this, there are many who either don't hear, or who may dismiss this as internal disagreement within 3GPP. Question: Is it possible to relegate some of the "wrongness" to optional-to-implement? Question: Who is it that doesn't care about interop and why? It appears to be operators who want to keep a fully closed network. Our challenge is to design things such that networks may be closed, but that if they are opened, that interoperability becomes possible. The trick is to do this without telling them that heir business model is broken. Instead, we may be able to "go up a level" and say "In the old system, you achieved this goal in manner X -- and although the obvious corollary is Y, the approach Z works better and here is why." Suggested Approaches: 1) Stuff in 3GPP that's basically wrong and violating spec, need to be brought forward immediately. 2) BCP about "how you should be using SIP". There's no guidance on how a service provider should use the protocol. 3) Provide guidance in a broader sense as to how we can have a happy coexistence of different networks using SIP. Comment: We've considered documenting the motivation for SIP design. We could build from the "how the B2BUA breaks things". Need something on the order of 10 pages, maybe a SIG-COMM position paper. Comment: We could start with a liason which says "Please consider changing these specific X things that you are doing because they will hurt interoperability and have other issues as documented herein. It is not in the spirit of our specifications to use them as you have described. Comment: We need to prioritize, put out the big fires in release 5, help to bring educated voices to the fore in release 6. Discussion of SDP editing case: This specific example does not help in any significant way and breaks things you may care about. As an alternative, there is a SIP-architecture compliant approach which meets your goals that does not have the negative consequences . . . Response: 1) Quick-hit liason statement covering immediate issues 2) Longer term things Liason statement issues: 1) Identify a list of issues with specific references to 3GPP documents -- start from Dean's List, develop explicit references 2) Turn this into a framework document using a design-team approach 3) Task assignments: 1) Dean will edit list of stuff and develop references 2) All will send issues to Dean as they realize them 3) Allison will send reference liason statement 4) Rohan will draft first part of liason statement over weekend 5) Allison will pursue ISOC membership for 3GPP 6) Dean to ask Andrew for guidance on dividing docs 7) We will attempt to meet sometime in Yokohama, TBD, perhaps late Tuesday