Emotion Recognition Survey : Systems Check

Hello and Welcome to the Emotion Recognition Survey. During this survey, you will be asked to listen to various sound files. If you can hear a sound file playing right now then you have all of the system requirements to take this survey and may begin by pressing the "Begin Survey" button below.

If you cannot hear a sound playing then it could be any number of things. This survey requires Internet Explorer 4.0x or higher or Netscape Navigator 3.0x or higher with a device specified for the 'audio/x-wav' plugin. In addition, you must have javascript capabilities. Below is the list of relevant attributes for your browser. If any are highlighted in red, then that could be reason you are not hearing sound.

If updating your browser or adding new plugins does not enable sound, then check the audio settings on your computer.

Optional requirements: It is suggested that you have a fast internet connection because the sound files average about 100k in size and might take a while to load.

<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.cs.columbia.edu/nlp/emotion/frogs.wav" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite>