============================================================================================= 1. RUNNING THE APPLICATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the command line: rf For example: rf rfc\david_grace.rfc A batch file was created to allow you to select the demos provided with this code: rfbs.bat. Initial screen resolution is 924 x 693 (aspect ratio of 4:3). ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= 2. CHANGING THE ENVIRONMENT MAP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit the corresponding RFC file and in the token HDRFILE put the full path to the .HDR file (but without the extension). Take into account that both TGA and HDR files must be found in the same folder. Sadly, you will have to exit and reload the application each time that you want to change the envornment map. In the future we will support multiple loaded environment maps. ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= 3. USEFUL KEYS & COMMANDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Different modes could be selected from the context menu that appears with a click the right button of the mouse. Please, only use the following modes: - Point Lights : Only Point Lights on the Front Face. - Cube Map : The cubic environment map is used. - Point Lights + Cube Map : Combination of the previous two modes. a. ENVIRONMENT MAPS F1 / F2 : Increment/Decrement Exposure by 0.10 F3 / F4 : Set the Exposure to half its value / twice its value. Q, W, E, A, D, Z, X, C : Rotate environment map. SPACE BAR : Switch between Tone Map / HDR Interpolated Map. MOUSE : Press left button over the window and move the mouse to rotate the environment map. b. POINT LIGHTS 0-9 : Select / Turn On / Turn Off the corresponding point light. + / - : Increment/Decrement Area of selected light. INS / DEL : Increment/Decrement Red Color of selected light. HOME / END : Increment/Decrement Green Color of selected light. PGUP / PGDOWN : Increment/Decrement Blue Color of selected light. ARROWS : Move selected light. MOUSE : Press left button over the grid and move the mouse to move the selected point light. Click on the light 0..9 on the panel to turn it on/off/select it. Click on the color arrows to change light colors. OTHER KEYS F9 : Switch On/Off to save rotation matrices in video.rfv file (new data is appended to the file). F11 : Switch On/Off to load rotation matrices from video.rfv and generate screenshots in video subfolder. F5 : Switch On/Off saving screenshots at 30fps, useful for point light sources moving them with arrow keys. F7 : Save Screenshot. F10 : Toggle FullScreen / Windowed Mode. =============================================================================================