The coeff_files are listed in the following format: The coefficients for surface polynomial fits are in the following order: 1st line - mean - droplets velocity (3rd order) 2nd line - standard deviation - droplets velocity (3rd order) 3rd line - standard deviation - elevation angle distribution of droplets (3rd order) 4th line - mean - elevation angle (2nd order) 5th line - shape factor - elevation angle (2nd order) 6th line - mean - Number of droplets 7th line - standard deviation - Number of droplets. 8th line - mean - total number of drops. 9th line - standard deviation - total number of drops. 3rd order polynomial are listed in the following format (1 theta phi theta*phi theta^2 phi^2 theta1^2*(phi) phi^2*(theta) theta^3 phi^3) 2nd order polynomial (1 theta phi theta*phi theta^2 phi^2 ) See Figure 2 in the paper for explanation of theta and phi