Assignment submission guideline
COMS W4705.001 – Natural Language Processing
Fall 2008

General information

All programming assignments are to be submitted electronically via Courseworks. There will be a separate folder for each assignment in which you will post your submission. The folder for each assignment will be open on the release date of that assignment.

All submission date and time will be based on timestamp given by Courseworks system. Please keep in mind that server time might be mildly different from your clock, it is advisable to submit your assignments 15 minutes before the deadline.

You can submit your assignment multiple times. However, only the latest submission will be graded. All other submissions are ignored. If, for example, you submit version 1, then version 2, and later would like to revert back to version 1, please resubmit version 1. Please do not email us asking for a specific version other than the latest one to be graded.

What to submit

You only need to submit the source files of your work. No executable/class files are needed. Include directions for how to compile/run your code in the README.

If there is only 1 source file, please name it, youruni.perl or youruni.cpp, depending on the language you use (replace youruni with your Columbia UNI).

If your submission consists of multiple files, please zip them into a single file before submitting. Also please ensure that it is unzippable and contains exactly what you want to submit.

When submitting written homework, please submit it as a .pdf file.

How to upload files to Courseworks

  1. Login into Courseworks at using your UNI.
  2. Select COMS W4705.001.2008.3 NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING from Current Semester Courses list.
  3. Choose Class Files from the menu on the left.
  4. Click on Post file button.
  5. Fill in your name and UNI as title, and click Browse to choose the zipped file you want to submit. In Post File To field, choose the appropriate assignment folder under Shared Files. Click Submit.
  6. You will get back to Class Files page. However you won't be able to see the files you posted in these folders. In order to make sure that you have successfully posted your submission, check your Files Log by clicking on Log button.